Thursday, June 16, 2011

Draft FY 2011-12 City Budget Now Available

SUISUN CITY, Calif. - The Administrative Services Department has released the draft FY 2011-12 city budget for review ahead of the City Council's consideration of the spending plan on Tuesday, June 21.

The budget can be located at the City web site ( ) by following the City Hall tab and navigating down to Financial Reports under the Administrative Services Department header.
>> Click here to go straight there >>

As City Manager Suzanne Bragdon notes in her budget message, there are a number of important themes taken into consideration while developing the balanced budget:
We continue to live through historic economic times that cause both tremendous challenges and unique opportunities.

The County Assessor has indicated an "expectation" that average, county-wide assessed values will decline by 3%; the fourth straight year of property value declines.

The City's short- and long-term priority continues to be fiscal stability, which means the City needs to:
  • Be prudent in the use of one-time monies that have been used to "bridge" operations until known economic development efforts come on-line (e.g., the Wal-Mart Supercenter).
  • Continue to trim operating budgets while utilizing alternative approaches to filling vacancies (e.g., cross-management, cross-training and contracting out). The budget assumes eight vacant positions remain unfilled, which is roughly 10% of the City workforce.
  • Position the City for new development opportunities when the economy does turn around.
  • Maintain a strong eye on reserves; for FY 2011-12 General Fund reserves are at roughly 25%.
  • Continue to provide City's business community and residents with the highest level and quality of services possible.
City service focus in on all segments of the community - services and programs that support long-term economic vitality, strong and safe neighborhoods, and a community that is a desirable place to visit, live, work and raise a family.
>> Click here for the complete budget message >>

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pintail Drive Rehabilitation Project Opened for Bids

SUISUN CITY, Calif. - Pintail Drive will be completely resurfaced from Sunset Avenue to Walters Road under a notice to contractors issued by the Public Works Department.

Using a federal transportation grant, Suisun City officials plan to repave the one of the main arterial streets lacing together most of the city's neighborhoods, replace curbs and sidewalks, and install new access ramps at corners.

Any contractors interested in bidding on the work have until July 12, 2011, to submit bids.

The work is expected to take place later this summer.

>> Click here to see the bid documents or for more information >>

Grizzly Island Trail Project Environmental Documents Released for Comment

SUISUN CITY, Calif. - The Suisun City Community Development Department has released the environmental documents for the Grizzly Island Trail project for public review and comment.

Written comments will be accepted through July 14, 2011.

The Grizzly Island Trail project would create a .9-mile concrete recreational trail for pedestrians and bicyclists along the south side of state Highway 12 from Grizzly Island Road to Marina Boulevard.

The project would create a safe route for students from Lawler Ranch to reach Crystal Middle School without having to cross Highway 12, and provide the public with new access to the Hill Slough Wildlife Area, which is owned and managed by the state Department of Fish and Game.

The initial environmental study indicates that the project would not result in any significant impacts to environmental resources. As a result, a proposed negative declaration of environmental impact also was prepared and circulated for public comment.

For more information on the project or to review the documents, go to

Monday, June 13, 2011

Youth Business Boot Camp

The Solano College Small Business Development Center will conduct a free week-long Youth Business Boot Camp on June 20-24, 9 am – 3 pm, as part the Young Entrepreneur Program (YEP) for for youth ages 14-27.

This free program is designed to teach young people how to start a business or simply explore the world of business. The Boot Camp will be held at the Solano College Main Campus, Room 706.

“We had 42 very motivated youth participate in our pilot program in Vacaville and Vallejo," said Charles Eason, Director of the SBDC, "Entrepreneurship is an important element for increasing the self-confidence levels of students. Many students have a desire to achieve their dreams and goals of developing a business. However they need guidance, a clear plan, and encouragement."

During the week long business boot camp, participants will work individually or in teams to develop a business plan for starting and growing a business of their choice. The 30-hour program is structured to offer practical and hands-on learning from Solano College Certified Business Advisors and Local Business Leaders.

The YEP program is funded by a grant through the California Community College Chancellor’s Office Economic Workforce Development Program to promote entrepreneurship as a career pathway.

The program focuses on practical interpersonal and technical skills needed to own and operate a business. The goal of YEP is to provide information, knowledge, and “real world” experience to help students master business related skills. “We are teaching youth how they can turn their passion and talents into a business,” Eason said.

For more information regarding the YEP program or to register for the Youth Business Boot Camp, contact the SBDC at (707) 864-3382 or visit

Friday, June 3, 2011

Suisun City Police Officers Serve Lunch & Dinner to Benefit Special Olympics

SUISUN CITY, Calif. - The Suisun City Police Department presents "Tip-A-Cop Day" today at La Cabana Restaurant to raise money for the Special Olympics.

Come to La Cabana for lunch or dinner today and be served by “celebrity officers.” The event will run 11:30 am to 1:30 pm and 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm today only at La Cabana, located at 325 Main Street, Suisun City.

“Tip-A-Cop” events are designed to invite the public to a dining experience filled with fun, entertainment, and a chance to meet local law enforcement officers.

Today's lunch “celebrity servers” are Police Chief Ed Dadisho, Sergeant Kasid, Detective Arroyo and Officer Vera

Dinner “celebrity servers” are Commander Tim Mattos, Officer Rubio & Officer Sousa

Special Olympics provides FREE year-round sports training and competition opportunities for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. In Northern California, about 14,000 Special Olympics athletes’ lives are enriched every day because of their participation.

Later this summer, the Suisun City Police Department will take part in the Special Olympics Torch Run, which will bring the olympic torch through the city on its way to the main event location.

Suisun City Police Department and Special Olympics Northern California would like to thank the Solis family and staff at La Cabana for supporting this special event.