SUISUN CITY - Solano Land Trust is recruiting docents to teach about the ecology of Rush Ranch and Suisun Marsh. This is a brand new docent program that will complement the existing education and recreation programs at Rush Ranch.
do·cent, noun, \ˈdō-sənt, dō(t)-ˈsent\: a person who leads guided tours
ecol·o·gy, noun \i-ˈkä-lə-jē, e-\: a branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments
No prior experience is necessary. New docents will receive four days of training, each covering a different topic about the marsh. The training dates are
Thursday, June 9th from 6:30pm to 8pm
- Wednesday, June 15th from 6:30pm to 8pm
- Saturday, June 18th from 2pm to 5pm, and
- Thursday, June 23rd from 6:30pm to 8pm.
Rush Ranch is recognized as one of the best remaining brackish tidal marsh habitats in the United States, and therefore it's protected as part of the San Francisco Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (San Francisco Bay NERR). Sarah Ferner of NERR will be the expert trainer for new docents. She'll share what makes Rush Ranch so special – how it’s exceptionally rich in plants and animals; why these plants and animals depend on Rush Ranch for survival; how the marsh provides essential habitat for commercially important fish and crabs; how it filters mud from the Bay's murky waters; and how it protects the shoreline from flooding. Docents-in-training will reflect on the ways the marsh was important for Native American food and travel, and how Rush Ranch continues to serve as a living laboratory for scientific research.
Docents in this new program will share insights about the marsh, guide and inspire children and adults, and join the Solano Land Trust community.
Solano Land Trust is a public benefit organization dedicated to protecting working farms and natural areas in Solano County. 2011 is Solano Land Trust’s 25th Anniversary. Since 1986, it has permanently protected over 20,000 acres of land for the current and future residents of Solano County.
RSVP on or before Thursday, June 9th by contacting Natalie DuMont, Solano Land Trust Volunteer and Outreach Coordinator, at 707-432-0150 x200 or