Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Free Family Movies Saved for 2012 by Suisun Foundation and Kiwanis

SUISUN CITY, Calif. - The Suisun City Community Services Foundation will keep the summer tradition of Saturday Night at the Movies alive this year thanks to a generous donation from the Kiwanis Club of Suisun City. The free family movies will run for eight consecutive weeks starting July 7, 2012.

"In a time where families are experiencing severe cutbacks in their personal budgets, entertainment is usually the first to go!" said Lori Wilson, Foundation co-chair. "This event helps families enjoy a fun night out at the beautiful marina and fosters a sense of community. It's exciting to know that organizations within the community care about the families of Suisun City."

Saturday Night at the Movies was among the community events cut from the city budget after redevelopment was abolished in California. The Foundation is working to raise enough money to continue as many of these events as possible, with particular focus on the July 4 celebration.

"Special thanks to Kiwanis, who helped the foundation save its first event!" Wilson said.

>> Read more, including the movie schedule

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