Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Copper Thieves Target Street Lights


SUISUN CITY, Calif. – Copper thieves are once again stripping street lights of their wiring in Suisun City, and the public’s help is needed to catch these criminals and safeguard our street lighting.

On April 17, the Police Department reported four street lights were not working on Railroad Avenue near Village Drive. When Public Works crews responded, they discovered the wiring had been cut and stolen from the conduit between the street lights, and found that additional lights also were affected.

Replacing street light wiring is both time-consuming and very expensive. The City does not have equipment necessary to rewire the lights so a private contractor must be hired, which is an unbudgeted expense.

For a period of more than a year, copper thieves have been stealing wiring from street lights on Walters Road and in the Peterson Ranch subdivision.

Residents should watch for unusual activity near street lights poles particularly during evening hours. Legitimate work on City street lights is normally conducted during the daytime by crews with vehicles and uniforms bearing the City emblem, PG&E logos, or a contractor employed by the City.

Anyone who sees suspicious activity is encouraged to immediately call the Police Department at 707-421-7373.

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