Wednesday, September 14, 2011

City Council to Hold Budget Workshop Focused on Service Priorities

SUISUN CITY, Calif. – Faced with making $1.4 million in additional budget reductions on the heels of 35% budget cuts in recent years, the Suisun City Council will hold a public budget workshop at 6 p.m. Tuesday, September 20, at City Hall. >> map >>

While Suisun City has avoided significant service reductions, layoffs and furloughs during the national economic downturn, the additional 13% reduction in the City’s budget forced by recent State action will undoubtedly impact future service levels, City officials said.

In June, the State enacted two laws that changed the way redevelopment functions in California. Whether the Suisun City Redevelopment Agency is eliminated entirely or modified as required by the State, the City will face an approximate $1.4 million budget shortfall starting in July 2012.

Though a lawsuit is pending in the California Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of those laws, the City Council wants to begin discussing budget cuts that will be necessary if legal challenges fail.

Among the issues to be discussed during the Tuesday night workshop are
  • The basic structure of the City’s budget.
  • The strategy of selling select fixed assets and reducing spending that preserved public services thus far during a significant economic downturn, which has forced other cities to slash budgets and programs.
  • The State’s decision to end Redevelopment as it previously existed during a prolonged economic slide that has forced the City to face very difficult decisions, and its impact on Suisun City.
  • An array of budget changes that could reach $1.4 million.
  • Service level priorities that will help guide future decision-making.
Given the severity of the challenges that lie ahead, the City Council wants the public to provide input to help prioritize services that are most important to Suisun City residents.  The City Council may set additional workshops in the future.

The workshop agenda and supporting information will be posted online by Thursday evening to

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