Thursday, July 28, 2011

Live Summer Shakespeare Both Outdoors and In in Suisun City Waterfront

SUISUN CITY, Calif. - The Solano College Theatre presents Shakepeare's "Love's Labour's Lost," directed by Carla Spindt as a modern-day version of a classic comedy complete with a "Glee" moment. Produced outdoors in the Harbor Square Courtyard (700 Main Street) and in the Harbor Theater (720 Main Street).

Love’s Labour’s Lost is one of the bard's earliest comedies, in which four bachelors who have dedicated themselves to chastity and scholarly pursuits soon encounter the women of their dreams.

In the University of Navarre live a King and his three fellows, who make a 3-year vow to fast to study and to see no women. Soon after this vow has been made a Princess from French Canada arrives with three of her ladies in hopes to see the King to speak of “serious business”. When the eyes of the King and Princess meet, will it be love at first sight? And, will the others want to break their vows? Join us in unraveling the mystery of this comedic performance brought to you by students of Solano Community College of the modern day, Loves Labour’s Lost.


  • Harbor Theater (720 Main Street) performances: 7:30 p.m. Friday August 5 & Aug. 12
  • Harbor Square Courtyard (700 Main Street) performances:
    2 p.m. Aug. 6, 7, & 13
    7:30 p.m. Aug. 10, 11 & 12
  • Tenbrink Winery Performance: 2 p.m. Aug. 14
  • Admission is FREE
  • Please bring chairs or blankets for Harbor Square Courtyard performances. Seating not provided in the paved courtyard.
Loves Labour’s Lost features some of the following fresh faces:
  • Aris-Allen Roberson of Vacaville is the King of Navarre.
  • Rebecca Lewis and Robin Murray of Solano County as the Princess of France.
  • Mikkel Simons of Solano County is Boyet.
  • Michael Reardon of Vacaville is Don Adriano De Armado.
  • Conner Watson, Levi Duncan and Chris Raymond of Solano County and Esparto as Berowne, Longaville, and Dumain.
  • Jaina Frank, Janessa Mosqueda and Meghan Pence as Rosaline, Maria and Katherine.
  • Aaron Flores and Amanda Widick of Vacaville and Solano County as Moth.
  • Brianna Hester and DeShae Thorton of Vacaville and Suisun as Jaquenetta.
  • Jim Jones of Napa is Holoferenes.
  • David Shuster of Solano County as Sir Nathaniel.
  • Beth Choy of Benicia as Dull.

For more, go to

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