Thursday, June 16, 2011

Draft FY 2011-12 City Budget Now Available

SUISUN CITY, Calif. - The Administrative Services Department has released the draft FY 2011-12 city budget for review ahead of the City Council's consideration of the spending plan on Tuesday, June 21.

The budget can be located at the City web site ( ) by following the City Hall tab and navigating down to Financial Reports under the Administrative Services Department header.
>> Click here to go straight there >>

As City Manager Suzanne Bragdon notes in her budget message, there are a number of important themes taken into consideration while developing the balanced budget:
We continue to live through historic economic times that cause both tremendous challenges and unique opportunities.

The County Assessor has indicated an "expectation" that average, county-wide assessed values will decline by 3%; the fourth straight year of property value declines.

The City's short- and long-term priority continues to be fiscal stability, which means the City needs to:
  • Be prudent in the use of one-time monies that have been used to "bridge" operations until known economic development efforts come on-line (e.g., the Wal-Mart Supercenter).
  • Continue to trim operating budgets while utilizing alternative approaches to filling vacancies (e.g., cross-management, cross-training and contracting out). The budget assumes eight vacant positions remain unfilled, which is roughly 10% of the City workforce.
  • Position the City for new development opportunities when the economy does turn around.
  • Maintain a strong eye on reserves; for FY 2011-12 General Fund reserves are at roughly 25%.
  • Continue to provide City's business community and residents with the highest level and quality of services possible.
City service focus in on all segments of the community - services and programs that support long-term economic vitality, strong and safe neighborhoods, and a community that is a desirable place to visit, live, work and raise a family.
>> Click here for the complete budget message >>

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