Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Public Input Sought for Suisun City Hazard Mitigation Plan

SUISUN CITY - City residents are encouraged to take part in a survey to help formulate the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan for Suisun City and the neighboring Suisun Fire Protection District..

As recent events in Japan have shown, planning and preparing for disasters is a key element in minimizing loss of life and property, and ensuring the ability to respond and recover as quickly as possible.

Local hazard mitigation plans serve as a demonstration of the commitment to reduce the risks from natural hazards and are a guide for local leaders as they commit resources. This advance planning will help minimize, to the extent possible, the risk of loss of life and property during disasters.

Development of the plan is funded through a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant.

The survey, which is available both online and in paper form at the Fire Department and City Hall, is the opportunity for Suisun City residents and business owners to share their concerns about natural and human-caused hazards, and the community's needs in reducing risk and loss from disasters.

To take the survey online, please follow this link.

For questions regarding the survey, please contact Marketing Manager Scott Corey at 707-421-7333 or e-mail.

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