Monday, December 27, 2010

Firm Sought to Help Closeout Hwy. 12 Project Documentation

SUISUN CITY - The Public Works Department is seeking professional consulting firms to prepare and process closeout Right-of-Way Map, easement documents and related documents on a federal-aid project - the State Route 12 Widening Project - for approval of Caltrans and responsible governing agencies.

The chosen consultant will provide complete, professional, high-quality services and products; to consult City personnel, Caltrans and others who are involved with the project; and to provide the expertise, guidance, advice and assistance in accomplishing the work.

The State Route 12 Widening Project was completed in the early 1990s. The City was the lead agency and was to acquire lands for the highway and the environmental mitigation area, as well as all necessary easements, including a 20-foot-wide public utility easement for underground utilities that were relocated along the south side of State Route 12. Portions of the land acquired by the City were to be turned over to Caltrans. The City has acquired the necessary lands but the process to closeout right-of-way documents for the project was never completed.

The City-acquired parcels have not been transferred to Caltrans and the easements have not been granted to the utility companies, which include AT&T, the Fairfield-Suisun Sewer District, PG&E and Travis Air Force Base. The scope of work on the closeout project is to complete this process to the satisfaction of the City and Caltrans.

Submittals are due January 20, 2011.

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