Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suisun City Secures $685,000 Grant for Senior Center Improvements

SUISUN CITY – The Suisun City Senior Center will get a new roof, kitchen, site improvements and pedestrian safety measures thanks to a $685,000 federal grant.

Suisun City Public Works officials received written confirmation of the grant award this week from the state Department of Housing and Community Development, which administers the program. The City applied for the grant for the second time this June through the Community Development Block Grant program.

The block grants, designed to benefit low- and moderate-income people, are highly competitive. This is the first rehabilitation grant Suisun City has received through this program.

“The money is sorely needed to upgrade this vital facility that serves so many Suisun City seniors,” said City Manager Suzanne Bragdon. “We are delighted the State recognized this need in our community, and appreciate the outstanding grant-writing by Public Works Management Analyst Alysa Majer.”

By early 2011, Public Works staff expects to issue bidding documents to start the process of designing and building the Senior Center improvements.

The Senior Center, located at 318 Merganser Drive, was built in 1987 to provide recreation and social activities for local seniors, and access to a variety of resources. But since the Center was constructed, Suisun City has seen its population of seniors increase more than 150 percent.

The block grant will
  • Renovate the kitchen, including new energy efficient appliances and safety devices
  • Replace the roof, which regularly leaks during storms
  • Upgrade landscaping, parking, trash enclosures, fencing and other exterior features.
In addition, the City will upgrade the facility’s driveway and ramps to enhance accessibility, install countdown pedestrian signals at nearby intersections, repair sidewalk tripping hazards and improve accessibility at a nearby bus shelter.

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