Sunday, March 15, 2009

Watch for Workers on Sunset Avenue near Railroad


Workers are installing traffic islands near the Union Pacific Railroad tracks on Sunset Avenue as a significant safety enhancement. Suisun City Public Works expects this work to be completed by early April.

Periodic and unpredictable traffic interruptions may be necessary from time to time to allow the work to be completed in a timely fashion while ensuring public and worker safety. Qualified railroad personnel are on scene to safely manage rail, vehicle, pedestrian and cycling traffic across the intersection.

All motorists are asked to use extra patience while driving in this area while this vital work is completed. Watch for unexpected and temporary changes in lane configurations. Follow the directions of flagmen at the site, and do not drive around safety cones and devices placed along the roadway.

After the traffic islands are in place
  • Union Pacific Railroad crews will install new crossing arms when the parts are delivered, and
  • Ghilotti Construction will interconnect the traffic and train crossing signals.
Your patience during the next several weeks will allow us to provide years of enhanced safety at this key intersection.

>>Click here for an interactive map showing detours>>

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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