Saturday, January 31, 2009

Help to Control Feral Cat Population

We spotted this nice write-up this week over at "The Animal Advocate Blog" about spay/neuter options available in Solano County for both pet and feral cat populations.

Here's a bit of the post:
The Solano Feral Cat/ TNR Task Force works tirelessly to humanely reduce the huge overpopulation of homeless cats, both tame and feral, living in Solano County.

Thousands of cats and kittens are euthanized in our county shelter every year because there are just not enough homes for them all. Cats reproduce very quickly, and are pregnant for only about 8 weeks. Cats also become pregnant while still nursing a previous litter. The time is NOW to spay and neuter your pets.

We offer weekly appointments to out of county low cost spay/neuter clinics, and transportation is provided. Depending on which clinic we have openings for on any given week, and depending on the sex of the cat, spay and neuter prices range from $20-$45. Carriers are also available to loan, free of charge, if needed.

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