Monday, January 26, 2009

E-Waste Event Benefitted Suisun City Community


Dan O. Root II Elementary School held its first Free E-Waste Recycling event on Saturday and Sunday. While Suisun City has held community clean-up days for various neighborhoods, this was the first e-waste recycling event we've had in Suisun City for the general public. It will definitely not be the last.

The event had several goals: raise money for the school, remove e-waste for free, and collect food for the Solano Contra Costa Food Bank and coats for One Warm Coat Project.

The final statistics are still being compiled, but it's clear from the early figures that your response was fantastic, and your generosity was tremendous! Here are some specifics:
  • $2,000 donated to Dan O. Root's PTO for student computer equipment
  • Seven truck loads of e-waste
  • Approx. 34,000 pounds of TVs, computer monitors and other devices with cathode tubes
  • Approx. 20,000 pound of other e-waste
  • Four barrels (that's 400 pounds) of food for the Food Bank. Enough to feed 300 people!
  • Approx. 250 coats and other clothing items for One Warm Coat
Thank you so much for helping to keep electronic waste out of California's landfills and from being dumped illegally along local roads! Your outpouring of support for organizations that help the most needy among us also was fantastic.

Thank you Dan O. Root II Elementary School & PTO for sponsoring and hosting this important community event. Of course, thanks to Universal Waste Management for running the operation and handling all the e-waste.

We'll keep you posted about additional e-waste events as they are planned!

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