Thursday, October 23, 2008

Effort to Reopen Former YMCA Facility Moves Forward

Suisun City's efforts to select a new operator for the former YMCA facility on East Wigeon Way at Pintail Drive continues to move forward.

Following City Council direction this week, City staff and the appointed City Council ad hoc committee will begin discussing financial and other deal points terms with the two finalist operators to determine all potential costs and obligations associated with reopening the facility.

Five community members - primarily former members of the North Bay YMCA - are part of the review process and serve on a Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC). Those members are John Miller, Robin Underwood, Robert Watts, Ruth Forney and Brad Stanhope.

With input from the CAC, Ad Hoc Committee and City staff, six interests that the City should be looking for in a replacement operator were identified. They are:

  • Commitment to have a safe place for kids when school is closed.
  • Commitment to partner with other community groups for facility usage.
  • Maximize program access to members of the community regardless of their ability to pay.
  • Pool operations.
  • Basketball court usage.
  • Fitness Center – Machines & free weights.

Based on those six interests, the Ad Hoc Committee reviewed the proposals and invited five operators to an interview. Staff and the Ad Hoc Committee conducted the interviews and then pared it down to the top two candidates.

Those two candidates were invited to a second interview where the Ad Hoc Committee and Citizen's Advisory Group conducted a more in-depth discussion/interview.

The Council Ad Hoc Committee then visited each candidate's local facility. These interviews focused on the programs and services that the operators propose to bring to Suisun City.

To date, the focus of the process has been on services, programs and general financial capability. As directed, staff will continue to diligently move forward with the financial discussions with the top candidates.

We appreciate the patience of everyone committed to this process as staff and City Council work through this selection process.

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