Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Slurry sealing starts Monday (Sept. 29)

The second phase of the $1.2 million 2008 Streets Improvement Project gets underway in earnest starting Monday morning (Sept. 29).

Crews with California Pavement Maintenance will apply the thick slurry seal to more than 1.4 million square feet of roadway covering 38 street segments across the City over six workdays, with typical work hours being 7:30 a.m. to about 4 p.m.

The streets that will receive slurry seal will be the same ones that were treated with the rubberized asphalt chip seal earlier this month. The slurry seal is the final, finish coat that will provide a smooth driving surface and cover the gravel 'chips' applied in the initial construction phase. >>Click here to see the schedule and maps!>>

By using the rubberized asphalt treatment in conjunction with the traditional slurry seal, the City was able to significantly upgrade some of the worst-rated streets in the City while extending their useful life by 10 to 15 years.

The process cost 15% of the traditional 'grind, remove and replace' approach while providing the same benefit. Because of the cost savings, Suisun City Public Works was able to improve many more streets than would otherwise have been possible. The vast majority of the funding for this entire project came from the state infrastructure bonds voters approved in recent years.

Plus, the rubberized asphalt process removed 11,219 used vehicle tires from the California waste stream! That's why the California Integrated Waste Management Board gave use a grant to help underwrite this project!

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