Thursday, September 11, 2008

Elk Season Near Suisun City

We're going to start sharing with you - our loyal readers - some of the great stories and tidbits we discover in our daily media and online reading. We'll try to come up with a catchy name for it, so if you have a suggestion feel free to share it in the comments link below.

Today, San Francisco Chronicle outdoor columnist Tom Stienstra had a great column on the tule elk of Grizzly Island Wildlife Area.

Here's a bit of what Tom had to say:
"Watching elk is one of California's sensational wildlife shows, and the curtain has been raised for the opening act at the Grizzly Island Wildlife Area. It closes to the public Oct. 1. That gives you 2 1/2 weeks to watch the annual September action.

Grizzly Island Wildlife Area is southeast of Fairfield/Suisun City, and just north of the Mothball Fleet in Suisun Bay. For the Department of Fish and Game, which manages the area for waterfowl, elk and other wildlife, it is a crown jewel of the state's wildlife program.

At Grizzly Island, the elk are wild, and tracking close enough for a picture requires stealth, skill, binoculars and patience. The technique is called spot-and-stalk, where you spot a herd in the distance, then try to stalk close enough, usually 100 to 200 yards, for a photograph."
Of course, we here in Suisun City like to lay claim to the area because the only way to get there is through our fair burg. If you are visiting from out of town, be sure to stop in the Waterfront District for a great meal or pick up something on the fly at a casual dining option at Sunset Avenue and Highway 12.

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