Monday, September 29, 2008

$100 Dilemma Solved

If you found a $100 bill while you were picking up garbage, what would you do with it?

Quinn Weaver, a 9-year-old Cub Scout from Suisun City, found himself in just that spot during the Coast and Creek Cleanup Day on Sept. 20. Working with his family near Laurel Creek, the boy found a $100 bill among the weeds and litter.

Here's how the Daily Republic's Cecil Conley started his Sept. 27, 2008, A1 story about Quinn:
"Nine-year-old Quinn Weaver grinned when asked whether he would define 'a lot of money' as having two quarters in the palm of his hand.

Quinn may be just a fourth-grade student at Crescent Elementary School in Suisun City, but he knows a thing or two about currency and the value of money.

As Quinn, his father and sister were gathering trash at Laurel Creek last Saturday during the California Coastal Cleanup Day, Quinn found a $100 bill.

'It was a lot of quarters,' he said.

Quinn first thought the bill was a leaf. After his father, Kelly, inspected it, Quinn and his sister, Bridget, soon knew they had found 'a lot of money.'

As the finder of the bill, Quinn could have very well become the keeper of the money. And what would a 9-year-old boy buy with $100?

'Video games,' he said."
Instead, Quinn donated the money to the Cub Scouts!

There's the Suisun City community spirit in action!

Here's a link to the Quinn family's very proud blog post. (Kudos the Quinn's parents for teaching life's real lessons!)

By the way, Crescent Elementary School's slogan: "Stars Rise at Crescent Elementary." Quinn is definitely a star in our book!

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