Friday, May 30, 2008

Preserving YMCA Programs

On June 30, the San Francisco YMCA will no longer operate the North Bay YMCA in Suisun City. For years, the local YMCA has struggled financially, and the parent organization in San Francisco can no longer afford to subsidize local operations.

City staff is working diligently to examine which of the YMCA's children's and youth programs we may be able to continue at existing City or school locations with the staff and financial resources we have available. While research is continuing, it appears as though we may be able to continue between 80% and 90% of those programs.

The City also is working with another regional YMCA and two private parties that have shown interest in the possibility of operating the current facility, or major components of the facility. Details of those offers are being reviewed by City staff. At its June 17 meeting, we plan to present the City Council with options and alternatives for how we can proactively address the situation.

We understand the disruption the loss of this type of key asset has on the community and local families. Supporting Suisun City youth and families is a key mission of our Recreation and Community Services Department. We also take very seriously our responsibility to the community to manage taxpayer funds in a highly responsible and sustainable manner.

ABC 7 News recently did a news piece on the situation. Follow this link to see that news piece.

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