Tuesday, May 20, 2008

And now, back to the news

We're getting back to our regular habit of posting updates here after a couple pretty hectic weeks of putting together the next issue of our City newsletter - Discovery.

It's going to be hitting local mailboxes next week with tons of updates on local infrastructure improvements, including:
  • $1.2 million in local street improvements this summer
  • A new monument sign proposal for the City's Highway 12 entrances
  • Major improvements on Sunset Avenue at Railroad Avenue
  • Reconstruction of Goepp Park
  • Three new bikeway expansions
  • Plus, a fantastic event season, including a first-ever performance of the Air Force's "Tops in Blue" right on our waterfront!

We'll get more details up soon about all of this great news, including new & improved ways of viewing this information over at our main website www.suisun.com.

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