Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Recall campaign in Suisun City faces opposition

This appeared today from the Daily Republic's Ian Thompson:

SUISUN CITY - The residents wanting to oust Suisun City's mayor and two councilmembers have started collecting the 2,100 signatures they need to put the recall on the ballot.

'It has been excellent,' recall advocate Dwight Acey said of the response.

Acey and six other recall advocates were stationed outside Raley's Supermarket on Monday in hopes of getting shoppers to sign petitions.

The group wants to kick Mayor Pete Sanchez and councilmembers Jane Day and Mike Hudson out of office after the council approved a Wal-Mart Supercenter in eastern Suisun City.

The group also has tied in issues such as last year's City Council raises and street repair problems into the effort.

Visit the Daily Republic website for the full article.

For information on why we post partial material from the Daily Republic, see this recent post.

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