Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dan O. Root a Distinguished School!

California Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell announced Wednesday that Dan O. Root Elementary School in Suisun City was named as a California Distinguished School!

We knew our local kids and teachers were great, but it's fantastic that the state caught up with the good news!

Here's the link to O'Connell's announcement.

Here's a bit of what Daily Republic reporter Nika Megino wrote in today's paper:

"Dan O. Root Elementary School has been recognized as a 2008 California Distinguished School, state Superintendent of Schools Jack O'Connell announced Wednesday.

The Suisun City school is one of 343 exemplary public elementary schools in the state to receive the recognition. Principal Jodie Phan said it's an exciting time for the school.

'It's a huge honor for us as a school,' Phan said. 'We have programs in place to meet the needs of all our students and we're always looking for what's best for our kids.'

Schools become eligible for the recognition based on their Academic Performance Index and Adequate Yearly Progress results of standardized testing."

To read all of Nika's story, visit

Congratulations to everyone at Dan O. Root Elementary and Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District!

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