Monday, March 17, 2008

A chance to enjoy spring

From Vacaville Reporter

Enjoy a beautiful spring walk among the wildflowers and other plants at Rush Ranch beginning at 9 a.m. Saturday April 5.

Docent, Don Taynton, will be your host during the free walk which will last approximately two hours. You can enjoy the beauty of the many plants while learning about them. You'll also be learning about the Suisun Marsh and some history of Rush Ranch.

Wear comfortable walking shoes, for a leisurely walk over easy terrain. Rain cancels the event.

Rush Ranch is located about 2 1/4 miles south of Highway 12 on Grizzly Island Road near Suisun City. Grizzly Island Road is opposite McDonald's restaurant at the Sunset Avenue and Highway 12 intersection.

For more information, call 425-3706 or 422- 4491, or go online to

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