Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Suisun City police alert for New Year's Eve gunfire

From Daily Republic (Subscription required)

SUISUN CITY -The city doesn't have a major problem with New Year's Eve gunfire but police planned to be out in force Monday to make sure it wouldn't happen, said Chief Ed Dadisho.

Instead of having three officers patrolling the city, Dadisho ordered 10 officers out on the streets Monday night to nip crimes in the bud. Gang officers and Dadisho were also expected to be out.

Officers were to listen for gunfire and find who is firing weapons. Police will take the suspect's firearm away.

'It is a felony and it's not worth it,' Dadisho said.

In many communities revelers herald in the new year by shooting into the air. But bullets travel high then land with force anywhere.

'It can go through a skull as easily as the hood of car through the engine,' Dadisho said. 'It's so random, that bullet can go anywhere. It can travel a mile away and fall a mile away from where you're shooting.'

When Dadisho was an officer in south-central Los Angeles, he often heard gunshots on the last night of the year. Last year Dadisho observed New Year's Eve patrols in Suisun City and heard gunfire. There were no injuries or arrests.

'We want to get in front of this instead of reacting to this later,' Dadisho said. 'God forbid a child gets injured and we didn't take positive steps to avoid it.'

Reach Audrey Wong at 427-6951 or awong@dailyrepublic.net.

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