Thursday, December 6, 2007

Main Street Bar & Grill Review

Solano Magazine's Holiday Issue is out on the street with a great review of Main Street Bar & Grill, calling it 'a new star in the local dining horizon.'

Here's what reviewer Charles Neave had to say:

In the last few years, the Suisun waterfront has acquired a solid reputation for good, affordable restaurants. But what was lacking was a place that served food taken to the next level—fine dining that’s still casual enough to fit into this town-in-transition. Now, with the arrival of the Main Street Bar and Grill at the corner of Solano and Main, the wait is finally over.

Anyone familiar with the Vacaville fine dining scene will know the venerable Old Post Office restaurant in the historic downtown. And perhaps they will recognize the name Soo Song, who is the owner. If so, they will be delighted to know that he is the owner and executive chef of this new Suisun restaurant.

Folks from the Napa Valley will be equally pleased to learn that his Chef de Cuisine is Jason Siebels, formerly of the ever-popular Bounty Hunter in downtown Napa. Both have brought a steady hand to an ambitious undertaking, and if recent visits and word-of-mouth are any indication, it seems to have paid off.

After spending two months on renovations it is open for business. Lunch and dinner are served every day except Monday in both the dining room, with its wall of comfortable banquettes and cozy alcoves, and at the full bar upstairs, which boasts a fine example of century-old craftsmanship on the centerpiece—the long polished wood bar itself.

So how is the food? In almost every case, quite good.

Read the entire review here

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