Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Water rates up for Suisun City residents

Excerpted from Daily Republic (Subscription required)
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By Ian Thompson

SUISUN CITY - The Suisun-Solano Water Agency voted unanimously Tuesday for a plan that will raise water rates three times during the next two years.

The water authority, which comprises the Suisun City Council and the Solano Irrigation District governing board, voted to raise rates 6 percent in September, 5 percent July 1, 2008, and 5 percent July 1, 2009.

Only one person, Jim Wise of Suisun City, attended the meeting to question the increases, pointing out that the authority had approved several raises in the past and asking how funds from the new rates would be used.

"What were these raises in the past paying for?" Wise said.

Authority board members stated the funds will be used to rebuild the reserves to about $1.8 million, which will be used during droughts when revenue drops because residents conserve water rather than use it as much as they normally do.

It will also allow for spending about $800,000 a year to replace and repair older water lines and other infrastructure on a more systematic basis than in the past.

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