Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Suisun City Dispatcher of the Year Announced

SUISUN CITY — Suisun City Police Chief Ed Dadisho has announced selection of Communications Technician II Keetra Welling as the Police Department’s Public Safety Dispatcher of the Year for 2006.

“Communications Technician Welling has truly had an amazing year during some very trying times in our Dispatch Center. She is a dedicated public servant who went above and beyond to provide outstanding customer service in spite of severe staffing shortages,” Chief Dadisho said. “Truly unbelievable what she has done this year!”

Among her many accomplishments this year, Communications Technician Welling
  • Has a folder full of letters/emails of appreciation from co-workers and Senior Staff for her performance during high stress calls. Received a Chief’s commendation for her actions during a major in-progress burglary call
  • Excelled during staffing shortages that required her to work many solo shifts and an inordinate amount of overtime.
  • Took it upon herself to send Crime Trend Reporting emails that keep Department personnel abreast of any crimes of significance or crimes that appear to be part of a series. Selected to head “first ever” Crime Analysis Unit
  • Volunteered to manage our Tele-Minder System. This automated system allows the City to place hundreds a phone calls per minute to keep residents abreast during critical incidents, such as floods, inclement weather, etc.
  • As our Forms Monitor, her efforts have been nothing short of phenomenal. The project includes our first ever administrative directive and over 200+ forms in paper and electronic format
  • As the City’s Alarm Administrator, she implemented major changes to disposition codes in CAD and use of billing software to send out quarterly invoices. Also, authored our first ever alarm ordinance
  • With only 30 days to prepare, assumed leadership of the Suisun City National Night Out Celebration for 2006. Event was lauded as one of the best ever, and ranked number 4 of 39 cities in California. Awarded prestigious Chief’s Medal, a first for a support staff member.

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