Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Suisun moves toward 24-hour policing again

From Daily Republic
By Ian Thompson

SUISUN CITY - Recent improvements in Suisun City's police force - such as hiring more officers - has City Hall considering proposals on how and when to put the force back on the job 24 hours a day.

Such as move would be a welcome development for the Solano County Sheriff's Department, which has patrolled Suisun City's streets during the early morning hours for three years.

The Suisun City Police have recently let Solano County Sheriff Gary Stanton know they are doing well and are in a position to take over around-the-clock enforcement soon.

While Stanton has said that the relationship between the two departments has been a good one, he could use his deputies back as soon as possible to handle other duties.

"We have a county fair coming up and want to have a heavier focus on gang activities and drug enforcement," Stanton said.

Just when and how this change will take place is still being worked out, with Suisun City Hall staff crafting proposals that are expected to go to the City Council later this month.

"We do have some proposals that we are looking at to make this happen and will present the recommendations to the council on May 30," Suisun City Manager Suzanne Bragdon said.

Just what those proposals specifically are has not been made public yet.

Suisun City contracted with the Sheriff's Department to provide early morning patrols three years ago as a cost-saving measure. Suisun City suffered from budget problems and its police department was understaffed due to officers retiring and leaving for other jobs.

"We have had a very good partnership and we are going to continue to be a partner in Suisun City helping with areas such as gang activities," Stanton said.

Putting Suisun City police back on patrol around the clock has been a long-standing city council goal, Bragdon said.

"We appreciate the partnership with the Sheriff and they are standing by us during our transition period," Bragdon said.

Reach Ian Thompson at 427-6976 or at ithompson@dailyrepublic.net.

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