Thursday, February 23, 2006

Suisun City Council approves transportation tax plan

From the Daily Republic // Feb. 23, 2006
By Republic Staff

SUISUN CITY - The Suisun City Council unanimously endorsed a half-cent transportation tax spending plan that could give the city the money it needs to fix local roads.

Fixing roads is the priority for any share Suisun City collects from the tax, council members said at their meeting Tuesday.

If passed, it is expected to raise $1.57 billion during its 30-year lifespan, which will fund a host of transportation projects, chief of which is improvement of the clogged Interstate 80/680 interchange.

Part of this money will also be split up between each city in the county to go to whatever transportation and road improvement projects officials feel their community needs.

Suisun City's share is estimated to be $17.7 million to maintain and repair its own streets and road as well as another $10.4 million for local transportation projects.

For more on the Transportation Tax Spending Plan created by the Solano Transportation Improvement Authority, visit

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