Thursday, July 21, 2005

New city manager has a flair for drama

From Vacaville Reporter // July 21, 2005

By Tom Hall/Staff Writer

At City Hall in Suisun City, dramas may occasionally unfold, but with the town's new city manager, they often do. She's a screenwriter in her spare time.

The City Council unanimously approved Tuesday the hiring of Suzanne Bragdon as the new city manager, a position currently occupied on an interim basis by David Martinez.

Along with a 25-year career in civic management and consulting, Bragdon will bring her writing talents to the city.

Bragdon has recently dabbled in screenwriting, and her first screenplay - a drama titled "Crossing the Line" - was a finalist in Miramax Studios' 2004 Open Door Contest.

Bragdon said she expects to start her day job as Suisun City's top executive on Sept. 1, focusing first on improving the city's financial standing, filling key staff positions and furthering the city's redevelopment efforts.

Bragdon has served in the past as the city manager for Pismo Beach, as well as the economic development consultant for the central California city of Grover Beach. She was also an assistant city manager for Napa for seven years and spent 16 years in the private sector.

Suisun City has been looking for a new top executive since December 2004, when then-City Manager Steve Baker announced his resignation.

The details of Bragdon's contract are still being worked out and will have to be ratified by the council, city public information officer Scott Corey said in a press release.

Bragdon said Wednesday that the city's troubled financial situation has to be a top priority.
"You have to be financially viable to do the fun things," Bragdon said.

She said the challenges within Suisun City's government drew her to the job, adding that she turned down a job offer with another city because it seemed too hum-drum.

"I was looking for a city where there'd be challenges and exciting goals," Bragdon said.

Tom Hall can be reached at

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