Monday, July 4, 2005

Hidden treasures in Suisun

From Daily Republic, Fairfield, CA // July 4, 2005

By Matthew Bunk // Staff Writer

SUISUN CITY - Sure, people shopping for specialty gifts can find what they need in a hurry at Treasures Boutique. But the quaint little shop on Suisun City's Main Street is better suited for those who want to browse around.

The boutique, which opened earlier this spring next to Nautical Salon, sells vintage gifts, jewelry, paintings by local artists, decorative dishes and a lot more. Just about everything in the store is for sale, even the mirrors in the bathroom and the glass display case by the front door.

"We're trying to have things here that you wouldn't find in other stores," said co-owner Vicky Clayton, a Dixon resident who has lived in Solano County since she was about 4.

"If you need a quick gift for somebody, we can put it together," she added. "But most people who come in spend a lot of time looking around. Some of them make a couple of loops through the boutique. There's no need to rush."

Clayton owns the salon next door, where she met her friend and business associate Melody Garsee more than 16 years ago. Garsee, a manicurist, decided to go into the gift shop business as a partner when Clayton rented the space next door.

Like most business partners, Clayton and Garsee have different, and complementing, strengths. Garsee is quiet, Clayton is more outspoken. One is the brains, the other is the brawn.

"She's the brawn," Clayton said, laughing, one afternoon in the boutique. "She's good with screwdrivers and hammers, and she'll climb ladders."

"And she's the brains," Garsee said.

It's pretty clear which one is more talkative.

"Melody is very friendly, but she's more reserved than I am," Clayton said.

The items you'll find at Treasures Boutique aren't run-of-the-mill products that sit on shelves at large discount stores. Local artists contribute oil and acrylic paintings, others submit glasswork, knitted baby clothes and jewelry. Still others bring in vintage furniture on consignment.

In a part of Suisun City known to locals as Old Town, it seems like Treasures is a perfect fit. Even the building at 411 Main St. is itself a sort of treasure, having been erected in the early 1900s.

"We have handmade items coming in all the time, it's quite a variety," said Clayton. "It's got a small-town atmosphere - not like going to Wal-Mart or the mall."

Treasures is open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

Reach Matthew Bunk at 425-4646 Ext. 267 or

Open for Business
Treasures Boutique
Owners: Vicky Clayton and Melody Garsee
Address: 411 Main Street, Suisun City
Phone: 429-9095
Date Opened: May 1

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