Thursday, June 16, 2005

Survey shows continued job growth in Solano

From the Daily Republic, Fairfield // June 16, 2005

Matthew Bunk // Staff Writer

FAIRFIELD - Following two months of better-than-expected job gains in Solano County, employers expect to continue hiring more workers, a recent report said.

Although the employment outlook for the next three months is more favorable in California as a whole and in other parts of the nation, the county is positioned for continued job growth through September, according to a Manpower Employment Outlook Survey released this week.

Businesses added 2,400 jobs in Solano County in the last two months, outpacing California and the U.S. in per-capita job additions, and the survey indicated another strong three months ahead.

There's a chance the hiring pace might pick up.

"Employers in Solano and Napa counties have slightly more favorable hiring intentions than in the second quarter," Manpower spokesman Greg Gardner said. He said, however, employers are more cautious about adding positions than last year.

Manpower Inc. is a staffing firm with a worldwide network of 4,800 offices. The company conducts a quarterly survey of 16,000 employers in the U.S. to gauge their hiring plans.

These are the results of the most recent survey in Solano County:

  • 27 percent of the companies interviewed plan to hire more employees from July until September.
  • 7 percent expect to reduce their payrolls.
  • 43 percent expect to maintain current employment levels.
  • 23 percent are not certain of their hiring plans

Job prospects appear best in construction, an industry at the forefront of the recent hiring spree.
As for California, 35 percent of employers said they plan to hire more workers in the next three months, while 8 percent expect to cut staff.

On the national level, 31 percent expect an increase in hiring for the third quarter, while 6 percent anticipate a decrease in employment opportunities.

Reach Matthew Bunk at 425-4646 Ext. 267 or

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